

加利福尼亚州福斯特市。,,,,2022年3月15日- 爱游戏足彩 Gilead Sciences,Inc。(NASDAQ:GILD)今天宣布,该公司将启动一项合同药房完整性计划,旨在提高340B联邦药品定价计划的透明度,并解决重复的折扣和转移。


Under the integrity program, Gilead is requesting that 340B covered entities provide claims level data for units of Gilead’s hepatitis C products, Epclusa® (sofosbuvir / velpatasvir), Harvoni® (ledipasvir / sofosbuvir), Sovaldi® (sofosbuvir) and Vosevi® (sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir) dispensed from contract pharmacies as of May 2, 2022. This integrity program does not apply to the authorized generics of Epclusa® and Harvoni® offered by our subsidiary, Asegua Therapeutics. Sharing of claims level data is a necessary step toward achieving greater transparency in the 340B program and will help Gilead address inappropriate duplicate discounts and diversion while also bolstering the integrity and sustainability of the program. The claims level data being requested is similar to the data Gilead receives from other purchasers and payers; the data request is tailored to minimize burdens on covered entities while mitigating duplicate discount and diversion concerns.


美国处方信息epclusa,,,,Harvoni,,,,苏瓦尔迪Vosevi, 包含盒装警告,可在

爱游戏足彩Gilead Sciences,Inc。是一家生物制药公司,在三十年中一直在医学领域取得突破,目的是为所有人创造一个更健康的世界。该公司致力于推进创新的药物,以预防和治疗威胁生命的疾病,包括艾滋病毒,病毒肝炎和癌症。吉利德(Gilead)在全球35个国家 /地区开展业务,总部位于加利福尼亚州福斯特市。

有关Gilead的更多信息,请访问该公司的网站,在Twitter上关注Gilead(@Gilead Sciences),或致电Gilead Publicants 1-800-Gilead-5或1-650-爱游戏足彩574-3000。