

Sonoma Biotherapeutics总裁兼首席执行官;A.W.和加州大学旧金山糖尿病中心的雅典玛格丽特克劳森教授

BlueStone博士于2020年12月加入了我们的董事会。自2019年以来,Bluestone博士一直是Sonoma Biothyapeutics,Inc。的总裁兼首席执行官,从2015年到2019年,他领导了帕克癌症免疫疗法担任总裁兼首席执行官。Bluestone博士是A.W.玛丽玛格丽特克劳森尊敬的旧金山大学糖尿病中心杰出教授,他一直是近20年的各种作用,包括近20年的各种角色,包括2000年至2019年的激素研究所主任。他是免疫疗法领域的国际领导者,并在近四十年中发表了500多篇论文,专注于理解控制自身免疫,器官移植和癌症中的T细胞活化和免疫耐受性的基本过程。His research has led to the development of multiple immunotherapies, including the first medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) targeting T-cell co-stimulation to treat autoimmunity and the first FDA-approved checkpoint inhibitor for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Dr. Bluestone was the founding director of the Immune Tolerance Network, the largest National Institutes of Health-funded multicenter clinical immunology research program, testing novel immunotherapies in transplantation, autoimmunity and asthma/allergy. He served as a member of the Blue Ribbon Panel, appointed by then Vice President Joe Biden, to guide the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative. Dr. Bluestone is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, was a recipient of the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship, and previously served as the Ludwig Professor and Director of the Ben May Institute at the University of Chicago. Since 2019, he has served as a member of the board of directors of Provention Bio, Inc.